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Membership Info

Membership Pledge


I, [full name], do solemnly promise to be a true and faithful member of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and neither by word nor deed, knowingly bring discredit upon it or its members. 

I shall observe its constitution, its by-laws and work rules, adopt its declaration of principles, and actively promote the welfare of the union, the local and its members.

Definition of a Member

A member is defined as one who:


  • Has been accepted by the membership and has been duly sworn in accordance with the Constitution;

  • Has paid all dues and assessments in full when due, unless extenuating circumstances prevail;

  • Has not been expelled from the Local;

  • Where applicable, meets the requirements of the Westshore Despatch; and

  • Will be governed by and will abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Local.


Any member who does not abide by any of these requirements shall be subject to penalties as provided for in this Constitution.

Duty of the Member

It shall be the duty of all members to:


  • Abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Local;

  • Attend all duly called meetings and vote in all elections;

  • Perform all duties as ordered in time of serious dispute;

  • Refrain from any action in the performance of their work that could bring discredit upon the Local; and

  • Participate in all Committees as needed.​

ILWU Local 517 (C.L.C.)

PO Box 28164

RPO West Pender

Vancouver, BC CANADA

V6C 3T7

Updated 517 Logo (no panama).png
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